Take Time for All things: Great Haste Makes Great Waste - There have been many instances where I was in a hurry and do something but makes a mistake and then spend more time fixing that mistake. So, I've been telling myself to slow down and double-check everything before proceeding.
2020 is already here and we hope everyone is excited about it as we are excited to introduce you to the very first MILLENNY Woman Of The Month this decade! She's fearless, driven and strong! Meet Inga :) Tell us a little bit about yourself and what do you do?
My name is Inga and I'm a project manager at a trade show organizing company. I can honestly say that I love what I do. My job allows me to travel, meet people from all over the world, organize events and to create/provide the platform for markets and businesses to grow. I was born and raised in Mongolia and moved to the US when I was 14 years old. Now I'm a full-on career mom.
What motivates you?
Right now, it's my daughter. I want to provide a good life for my daughter and also set a good example. I mean I wanted a good life for myself and the people around me before but the level of intensity changed after I had my daughter. Same thing with wanting to set a good example as well. I always aimed to be a better person but the stakes are higher since my actions are being observed and learned by a tiny human being. Before my daughter, my parents – they sacrificed a lot by immigrating to the US (with basically nothing) and they gave me this opportunity to study and to live in this great country.
What do you do in your free time and what do you wish you had more time for?
In my free time, like many people, I spend a little too much time on Social Media. However, this is the new year and my new year’s resolution is to cut back that time. So far I’ve been pretty successful. I’m reading more and I also trying to improve my German. If I had more free time, I would play volleyball, learn calligraphy, and also overall improve my professional knowledge.
What's your favorite destination you have been and where would you love to travel?
My favorite destinations are Seoul and also Duesseldorf (Germany). Seoul has been my dream destination for so many years and I was finally able to visit it a couple of years back. The nightlife and the food scene was better than anything I imagined. My company is headquartered in Duesseldorf, Germany and I’ve been there several times already. My last visit was in November of last year and I got this sense of familiarity and I really loved it. European cities can be a little daunting with it’s long and impressive history and there are always too many things to see but never enough time. However, I was truly able to enjoy the city and relax. It’s probably due to the fact that I was there a couple of times beforehand so I didn’t have to urge to constantly sightsee or go to the touristy places. I want to explore the southern parts of Asia (like Vietnam or Thailand). There is a lot of rich history in that part of Asia as well as some tasty food!What accomplishments you are most proud of and what is the next big thing you want to accomplish?
This is question is hard for someone who downgrades her achievements. However, I think the fact that I was able to graduate from a university while working full time and also going to school full time. Also, the fact that I was hired as an intern at my current company and got hired as a full-time employee. My company is a daughter company to a German company and usually hires someone who can communicate in German. I didn’t know any Germany before interning at my company and still, my German isn’t that good. The next big thing I want to accomplish is to master the German language and get that corner office (which overlooks Lake Michigan)
Who inspires you the most and why?
My cousin, who currently working really hard to get her esthetician license, while working a full-time job, and while supporting her whole family back in Mongolia. She is compassionate, funny, beautiful, and kind. She is always who I inspire to be.
My mother is an incredible woman. She carried our family to where we are. She is brave, strong, smart and incredibly beautiful. She is the type of mother I inspire to be.
My husband – he is always so supportive, patient, and also compassionate. I learn from him every day.
Lastly, my close and best friends. They all have kids, families, and careers. Whenever parenting gets tough, I reach out to them and they help me get over the hurdle and also inspire me to be a better mom, friend, and wife. They are the best.What advice would you give to your younger self?
Be confident in who you and what you are capable of. Stop doubting and questing yourself. You are amazing.
What is the most amazing true story you have heard?
There isn’t one single story that comes to mind but there are a lot of women in my life that immigrated to the US and were able to create a life of their dreams. To me, their achievements and their success is the most amazing true story.
What essentials are in your BISCAYNE Backpack?
I have my work laptop, a book (Where the Crawdad Sings), my headphones, umbrella (because of Chicago and winter), my Passion Planner, pen, and everyday essentials such as chapstick, coffee travel mug, and hand lotion. Not every day but some weekdays, I also carry my lunch and gym clothes as well
Very inspiring. Love that Inga was not afraid to work her way up from an internship and keep learning as she goes along.
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